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Invoice Information and Standard Rates

The rates are determined annually by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) based on a cost price study among practice owners and other healthcare providers. The cost price includes all practice-related expenses, such as office accommodation, secure IT facilities, mandatory memberships/registrations, and personnel costs. Based on this, the legally market-conforming rates are established each year. You can find these rates on this page: Tariff Decision Mental Healthcare (GGZ).

Explanation of your invoice:

On your invoice, there will be a so-called performance code and some other terms associated with the rate. It may look like this: CO0497 / Ambulant – kwaliteitsstatuut sectie II Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog (Wet Big artikel 3) Behandeling 45 minuten.

  • There is a performance code (starting with CO0) for each treatment, depending on where it takes place (e.g., in a practice or a large institution), the function of the therapist, and the duration of the treatment.
  • In this case, the type of therapist and the setting are: by a GZ-psychologist, registered under the Healthcare Professions Act (Wet BIG), and in a practice. According to NZa, this falls under the category: ‘ambulant – kwaliteitsstatuut sectie II’.
  • Type of consultation: there are two types at Laurier Psychology, namely ‘diagnostics’ and ‘treatment’.
  • Duration of the consultation: this varies depending on the session. Generally, a session lasts 45 minutes, but, for example, an EMDR session may last 90 minutes.

Below is a list of the rates relevant to Laurier Psychology.

Rates 2024

Before starting treatment, diagnostic assessment of the problem is necessary. The intake sessions are considered part of the diagnostics and are used to gather necessary information to create a treatment plan. For this diagnostic assessment, 1 to 4 sessions are used. There is a specific rate for this diagnostic assessment, which is:

CodeDuration (minutes)Rate (euro
CO030230 114,20 
CO043245 159,70 
CO056260 183,44 
CO069275 223,48 
CO082290 274,01 
CO0952120 380,13 
NZa Tarieven GZ-psycholoog 2024 – Ambulant – kwaliteitsstatuut sectie II Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog (Wet Big artikel 3) Diagnostiek

Then the treatment phase begins. The consultations for individual treatment are tariffed as follows:

CodeDuration (minutes)Rate (euro)
CO023715 56,19 
CO049745 135,89 
CO062760 161,46 
CO075775 198,72 
CO088790 242,76 
CO1017120 346,41 
NZa Tarieven GZ-psycholoog 2024 – Ambulant – kwaliteitsstatuut sectie II Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog (Wet Big artikel 3) Behandeling

In addition to the consultations, there may be a need for consultations with other healthcare providers during diagnostics, treatment, and potential referrals or follow-up. This involves what is known as intercollegial consultation with, for example, the general practitioner or specialists. This consultation is tariffed separately, as are any potential travel expenses.

CodeDescriptionRate (euro)
OV0007Intercollegiaal overleg kort 25,05 
OV0008Intercollegiaal overleg lang 76,35 
TC0009Toeslag reistijd tot 25 minuten – ggz 34,76 
TC0010Toeslag reistijd vanaf 25 minuten – ggz 89,63 
NZa Tarieven GZ-psycholoog 2024 – Toeslag reistijd en Intercollegiaal overleg (Setting ambulant kwaliteitsstatuut sectie II)